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A Mid Year Reflection on 2024

DATE : 14 JUL 2024

Hello dear friends,

In the first half of 2024, our business has faced tough challenges. Despite our efforts, we’ve seen a significant downturn in our sales – our contributions to Happy Kind Giving amounted to S$535.68 and RM451.36 from 1% of our proceeds. The decline exceeds 50% compared to last year, with a noticeable dip from April forward.

As a small business, these numbers are concerning. We’re not just a company; we’re individuals striving to make ends meet and fulfill our commitments to our community and ourselves. During uncertain times, it’s essential to remember the true measure of success. And it’s not just in the revenue we generate, but in the impact we create and the tenacity we muster to push through adversity.

An inspiring perspective resonated with us recently. Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang, speaking at Stanford University, emphasized grit and resilience over the traditional accolades. In an era where intellect is overshadowed by character, Huang’s spirited words, “Greatness comes from character… formed out of people who suffered,” remind us of the strength embedded within struggles.

At Happy Kind Kiddo & KITA, our convictions align closely with Huang’s. We believe in the ‘grit and how resilient you are in making things happen,’ and we embrace this ethos wholeheartedly. Our dedication to donating 1% of our sales is unfaltering, and our belief in blockchain technology’s potential to promote transparency in donations remains firm.

It’s not the hardships, but how we face them that defines our journey. This period has tested us, yet it has also reinforced our purpose: to serve new parents and dreamers with passion and integrity, and to give back to society in meaningful ways.

The road ahead for 2024 is still unwritten, and while we can’t predict every turn, we are here with resolve. We will navigate these challenges with the same commitment that we ask of our team, inspired by the same ‘pain and suffering’ ethos that has honed the spirit of companies like Nvidia.

To our customers, thank you for standing by us. Your support is more than a transaction; it’s a vote of confidence in our resilience and our mission. We may struggle, but we will persevere, not only to thrive as a business but to continue contributing to a cause greater than ourselves.

Here’s to facing the rest of the year with strength, courage, and the heart of Happy Kind families.

Stay kind and keep spreading the happiness. 💚


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